Sunday, July 18, 2010

Ahhh, summer is here and the kids are driving me nuts already. Blake did a great job in his first year of preschool! His teachers said he behaves well and does great with the daily activities and routines. His speech is slowly but continuously improving and he is attempting to communicate more than at the beginning of the year. Just the other day I got back from the store and he said "mama home!"

He also has finally started eating bread, which he wouldn't touch before. That gives me so many more options for lunch-up until now it was yogurt and fruit or chicken patties. I have a feeling the sudden improvement in speech and eating are related, most likely the muscle tone in his mouth is improving. He had a repeat sleep study in May and this time he had no sleep apnea, just some snoring. So that is a great improvement! Once again possibly related to muscle tone?

His sleep study went much more smoothly this time. He was really good and when it was time for bed I laid with his for about 20 minutes or so. He watched the pulse ox monitor on his finger glow in the dark for a while and then he just went to sleep. And he slept all night. I thought I would sleep really well there. I didn't. I was up most of the night and was very happy when it was finally over and we could go home.

At home he has been quite the handful lately, pretty much needing constant supervision unless he is really into a movie. He is always picking on Alli; laying on her, kicking her, pulling her hair, pushing her. It has gotten to the point where she will scream when he even comes near her. And the other kids are targets, too. Savannah seems to be his second favorite to terrorize. I don't know if it is jealousy, lack of routine, his age, or behavioral issues associated with PTLS. The fact that he doesn't act like this at school tells me it has less to do with PTLS and more to do with the other things.

He had his 4th birthday last month so we have decided to use the summer to attempt potty training. He loves to sit on the potty; he will go and get his little stool and put his potty seat on the toilet. Then when he's done sitting he will get down and wash his hands and say "I pee! I poo!" even though he hasn't done anything yet. He will tell me he peed after he does it in his diaper, so I guess that's a start. I am trying to mentally prepare myself for the fact that it will most likely take forever, just like everything else he's learned has. You would think that I would be really good at being patient by now. I'm not.

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