Tuesday, July 22, 2008

So, I have pretty much accepted the fact that Blake probably won't talk for a while yet. Except for a couple of words here and there, the majority of kids with PTLS don't really start speaking until around 3 or 4 at the earliest. Well, last night he told me he loved me.

Nick was taking him up to bed, and he stopped halfway up the stairs, looked at me, waved and said, " Ah la ou". Seriously? Did that just come out of my little boy's mouth? Granted it wasn't as clear as it would have been if a "typical" kid had said it, but it was clear enough that instantly Nick and I knew what he had just said.

I shouldn't be so surprised because he hears it all the time. We tell him during the day, before his nap, before bed, etc. It just makes sense that he would remember it. But I was shocked. Our mouths dropped open. I told him I loved him too, and then I started to cry.

I know this doesn't mean he will say it all the time. I may not hear it for another 2 years. But he said it yesterday, and that is enough to get me through until I hear it again.

1 comment:

Renee said...

LOL. I cried at your email and I'm crying again. All moms can remember hearing those words for the first time, and they're the absolute best words you'll ever hear. For ANY mom. But even more so for you, when you didn't really expect to hear it for a while. It melts my heart! Love you guys!