Wednesday, August 20, 2008

We have WONDERFUL news. Blake has a perfectly normal heart!

We weren't sure at first if we would be able to do the test today, due to the fact that Blake was completely freaked out by the whole thing and was really upset. But we had an excellent tech and an excellent doctor so they were able to get what they needed.

He will need to repeat the echo every couple years to monitor his aortic root. That can dilate at some point in the future; but for now it is normal.

Dr. Grifka was very familiar with the defects associated with Potocki-Lupski syndrome and knew exactly what to look for. He even did his fellowship with Dr. Lupski and had nothing but good things to say about TCH.

We are very relieved and feel very blessed that Blakie seems to keep beating the odds. He is an amazing boy and I can't wait to see what the future holds for him.

1 comment:

::Shelly:: said...

Congrats!! How amazing that must feel for you to know that he has no heart problems! Soon, I will know the answer to that question for my son as well. Thanks for your email and please keep in touch. ::shelly::